Mental Health Workshop

All organisations have a duty of care to support employees under Health and safety laws. Can you spot the signs that someone is struggling with their mental health? This workshop is to give a brief overview of signs to watch out for in team members.

Do you know how to spot the signs of mental health in your team?

Our short mental health awareness workshop equip attendees with the first level of awareness of what to look out for in their colleagues, spotting the early warning signs of mental health.


1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem each year in England.

Mental health can affect anyone, with a quarter of people experiencing some kind of mental health problem each year in England, it’s important to take mental health seriously and learn to spot the signs for early, appropriate intervention and support.

How is mental health affecting your team?

In recent years, there has been an increased focus on mental health in the workplace. This is largely due to the fact that mental health problems can have a significant impact on businesses. From reduced productivity to increased sick days, mental health issues can take a toll on a company’s bottom line. 

Fortunately, there are a number of things that companies can do to address mental health issues among their staff. First and foremost, it’s important for businesses to create an open and supportive environment where employees feel comfortable talking about their mental health. This can be done by providing access to resources like employee assistance programs or having regular check-ins with staff members. Additionally, companies should look for early warning signs of mental health problems so that they can address them before they become bigger issues. Warning signs may include changes in eating or sleeping habits, withdrawing from social activities, or exhibiting signs of irritability or sadness. By being aware of these early warning signs, businesses can get employees the help they need before the situation deteriorates further.

Our workshops are designed to educate attendees, helping them understand mental health, learning to spot the warning signs and teaching them techniques to effectively manage stress and anxiety. 

Mental health doesn’t care about positions nor job titles. It can affect anyone at any time. be considerate. Be respectful. Be Kind. To ALL.

Pedro Diaz

How Will This Workshop Help?

The consequences of stress and anxiety are well established. These relate not only to individuals but the larger team they work in, the organisation and the person’s family. Get it wrong, and the individual can suffer serious mental health deprivation and poor physical health for many years to come. When organisations get mental health wrong, it can result in court cases. 

With such high stakes, it’s important for companies to take mental health seriously and get it the right first time. This one-day awareness programme can be tailor-made to your particular requirements

This lunch and learn style workshop helps attendees think about their triggers and encourages them to make healthy food choices. Presented as a 75 minute  lunch and learn session for directors and managers, this workshop serves as an introduction to mental health awareness, which can be followed up with longer, more in depth training at a later date.

This workshop teaches attendees what  signals to look for in others and ourselves.


  • Feel more confident in knowing when to strike up a conversation with team members if they have concerns
  • Have an understanding of what anxiety, stress and depression are
  • Recognise the importance of staying alert to mental health concerns

What the Workshop Covers

This workshop helps attendees understand common mental health problems. They will learn how to identify warning signs in other people as well as themselves and equip them with the skills to start a conversation about it. The key areas covered are below. 









What's Included?

What will you take away from the mental health workshop? Some of the strategies and skills below.


  • Have an understanding of what is anxiety and stress and depression
  • 3 quick techniques for managing stress and anxiety which they can use for themselves or share with others
  • Recognise the importance of staying alert to mental health concerns

  • Greater appreciation of how mental health contributes to overall performance
  • This is to give attendees a first level of awareness of what to look for

Reach Us

Have a query or would like to chat with us? You can use the details below or fill in the message box to the right. 

0208 242 4041

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